+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Product: Poker Challenge (for Windows) | | Version: 1.4 | | Version Date: January 25, 1997 | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Product Description: Poker Challenge for Windows, version 1.4 This addictive new card/puzzle game from award winning designer John Cutter, combines the excitement of high stakes Poker with the strategy of Tetris, Shanghai and Yahtzee. GameNet's 1996 "Puzzle Game of the Year!" Shareware ($15.00). Requires VBRUN300.DLL NOTE: Version 1.4 fixes a "Type Mismatch" error that only appeared to affect players living in Europe and other non-U.S. countries. Registration Fee: $15.00 Required Configuration: Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 386) Minimum OS: Windows 3.1 Hard Drive Space: 797K Requires: VGA graphics or better Keyboard Mouse Sound card (optional) Req'd Software: VBRUN300.DLL For Orders, Support or Information Contact: Author: John Cutter Address: 23734 NE 24th Place Redmond, WA 98053 Phone: (206) 836-0317 (206) 957-2780 E-mail: 74151.1445@compuserve.com Other E-mail: johnc@starwave.com For the latest version visit the Poker Challenge Homepage at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/john_c/Pokerchl.htm ===== Information for Users ("README") ========================== Poker Challenge for Windows, version 1.4 This addictive new card/puzzle game from award winning designer John Cutter, combines the excitement of high stakes Poker with the strategy of Tetris, Shanghai and Yahtzee. GameNet's 1996 "Puzzle Game of the Year!" Shareware ($15.00). Requires VBRUN300.DLL ===== Packing List ============================================== As released by the author or publisher, this package should contain the following 35 files: POKERCHL.EXE SETUP.EXE QCARD.DLL PLAYERS.DAT PLAYSTUF.DAT TOPTEN.DAT FILE_ID.DIZ PC.HLP CONTESTS.LAY INSTALL.INF README.TXT VENDORS.TXT THREED.VBX BLOOP.WAV BLOOP2.WAV BUTTON.WAV BUTTUP.WAV CLICK.WAV CLICKBG.WAV COLGONE.WAV CRDDROP.WAV DEAL.WAV DING.WAV DROP2.WAV ERROR.WAV HALLELUJ.WAV MESSAGE.WAV MESSAGE2.WAV NERVOUS.WAV SCHZ.WAV SCOR1.WAV SHIM.WAV SLAM3.WAV TWHAM.WAV UPGO4.WAV ===== Installation ============================================== Extract the program files from the distribution archive and put them into a temporary directory on your hard disk. If you wish to install this game manually, simply create a directory for it (C:\POKERCHL is suggested) and copy the files into that directory. Add POKERCHL.EXE into the Program Manager or the Win95 Start menu, or run it directly from the File Manager or the Win95 Explorer. If you wish to use the automated installation utility (this is recommended), run SETUP.EXE, either from the Program Manager "File/Run" menu (in Windows 3.x), the Start button's "Run" command (in Windows 95), or from the Win95 command line. The setup program will prompt you to select a destination directory, then copy the files and add a Poker Challenge group to the Program Manager or the Start menu. The help file (PC.HLP) contains the primary documentation for this program. Poker Challenge requires VBRUN300.DLL, which may or may not be distributed with the program. If not, it is available from most BBS's, CD-ROMs, and FTP sites, as well as from Microsoft. If you decide to delete Poker Challenge, you may remove it from your computer by simply erasing the files from its directory, and removing its group from the Program Manager or Start button. ===== Warranty ================================================== This software is sold "as is", without any warranty as to performance or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the vast number of possible hardware and software environments in which this software may be used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user assumes the entire risk of using this program. Any liability of the author will be limited to product replacement or the refund of the registration fee. ===== License for Use and Distribution ========================== TRIAL USE LICENSE Poker Challenge is NOT a public domain program. It is copyrighted by John Cutter. This software and accompanying documentation are protected by United States copyright law and also by international treaty provisions. You are granted a limited license to use this software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed 21 days. If you continue using this software after the 21 day evaluation period, you MUST register this program. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the LICENSED program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to John Cutter. LIMITED DISTRIBUTION LICENSE SysOps: This program may be freely distributed over any on-line service systems as long as there are no files added to or removed from the original compressed file package (with the exception of BBS "ad" files, which are permissible). Any and all file modifications are strictly prohibited. Disk Vendors, CD-ROM Vendors, BBS Sysops, Distributors, Computer Clubs and User Groups wishing to add this software product to their library may do so in accordance with the Distribution Restrictions listed below. Limited Distribution License: As the exclusive copyright holder for this software, John Cutter authorizes distribution only in accordance with the following restrictions: - This software must be distributed complete and unmodified. If any of the files specified in the Packing List (above) are missing, please contact the author for a complete copy of the product. The Poker Challenge Homepage always has the latest version available. The WWW address is: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/john_c/pokerchl.htm - Vendors choosing to distribute this software must send a copy of the catalog or product containing this program to the author. - This software product - including all related program files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete product, without exception. - Small additions to the product, such as the introductory or installation batch files used by many shareware disk vendors, are acceptable, provided they do not interfere with any installation routine which may have been included by the author. - No price or other compensation may be charged for this software product. A distribution fee of no more than US $5.00 may be charged to cover production and handling costs. - You may not list any of my products in advertisements, catalogs, or other literature which describes my products as "FREE SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free. You may not list any of my products in ads, catalogs, or other literature which describe my products as "PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE". Again, this is copyrighted material. It is not, and never has been, in the public domain.